Thanks, ladies, for all the support and stories. I heard similar stories from IRL ladies this morning. And, called the clinic and heard the same. Spotting on the TP is perfectly normal. Call if it gets any worse, but not to worry at small amounts of red or pink. So, now I breathe...
I always wondered why, in the 2ww, why does AF have to feel so much like possible pregnancy symptoms. Now, I wonder the same, in reverse. Why on earth do perfectly normal pregnancy symptoms feel so much like AF?! It's madddening! We're so conditioned that blood=bad, AF=bad, cramping+blood=AF. And, now I'm supposed to just trust that cramping+blood=perfectly normal pregnancy? Pretty much. But, I'm not the first and I won't be the last, so I just have to breathe!
In twelve days, we'll see Beaker's heartbeat. And, I just have to believe that is exactly how this is going to turn out. I don't want to live these next twelve days in fear, as difficult as that may be to avoid. I wouldn't mind a symptom or two, other than the scary bleeding, to help me feel a bit more secure in that belief! But, for now, I'm just going to breathe, say my prayers and think positive thoughts for Beaker!
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
20 hours ago
I'm glad the nurse was able to reassure you a bit. AF symptoms and pregnancy symptoms unfortunately feel EXACTLY the same. No joke. And those AF cramps? They won't end for quite some time. Most last the entire first trimester.
Thinking and praying for you.
I'm sorry you had a scare...I know how scary and nerve wracking it is to see blood because we are programed to think blood is not good.
Hang in 12 days, you will see the most beautiful baby in the world!
Oh I understand what you're going through now...I am in the same boat!!! (Sorry for your doc said that 75% of women have some sort of light spotting in the 1st trimester so I really hope you can try not to worry.) Not worry? Yeah right!!! I am a complete basket case now. I haven't even blogged b/c all it would say it "I'm a freak...I'm scared all the time, I'm worried and freaked out, I'm SO scared and nothing makes it better... etc etc etc." The waiting for the 1st u/s is worse than my 2ww after IVF #2!!! I am seriously a worried wreck...because I have no symptoms except being tired and you are not alone. It is impossible to stay cool!!! :) Lets just try to hang in here togethere. ((HUGS))
Well said.
Sending lots of warm fuzzies to you and beaker.
Lots of hugs! It was totally wild to me that the cramping feeling I would get before and during AF would continue even after getting PG. I just expected that to stop completely when getting PG but really, it did come on at times, sporadically. It took until about week 10 where it stopped completely.
Lots of hugs again! Its hard not to worry but lots of positive thoughts to you and beaker.
Glad to hear it's normal. My mom had periods for the first couple of months she was pregnant with me. Weird, isn't it :)
I had spotting with Emma at 6 weeks. I thought for sure it was a m/c...but as you know...she's 3 1/2 now! If you need an ear, you've got my number. If you need a shoulder, you know where I live or I know where you live! :)
Thinking positive thoughts for Beaker along with you.
Glad to hear you were able to be reassured :) I know the fear all too well ...
I had TONS of AF-like cramping during weeks 4 & 5. It just has started to taper off a bit. But seriously, it was so intense that every time I went to the bathroom I expected to pull down my pants and see red.
I hope the next 10 days pass quickly ...
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