11/3/10...Mom goes back to work! :-(
8/5/10...Little Man H arrives!
12/3/09...F/U Consultation with RE. IVF in January...
11/25/09...Hubby's 5th SA, this time with DNA Fragmentation Testing.
11/13/09...Hysteroscopy. Perfect Uterus!
10/31/09...Hubby's 4th SA. Results lower than the 3rd. Not good.
10/26/09...First RE appointment. Status: Probably IVF, maybe IUI. More tests to determine.
10/2/09...Second urologist appointment (following 1 month on Tamoxifen/Arimidex to increase Testosterone levels). 3rd SA shows improvement!
8/25/09...First urologist appointment
8/09...First SA results. Low count, volume, motility and 0% normal morphology.
4/09-8/09...Natural TTC. Ignorance is bliss?
3/09...Lap successful. Removed adhesions, but NOT endo. Last BCP!
2/09...Pre-conception appointment. Exploratory lap suggested to find/treat any endo/adhesions that were causing my previous pain.
1/09...We were BOTH ready!
6/08-12/08...The Texas Move! New jobs, new house, new beginnings!
1/08-5/08...More of the same.
2007...Still ready, DH still not. Working opposite shifts, still in grad school. Just not the right time. But, we were talking about it!
2006...I thought I was ready, but was in grad school. DH not ready.
5/04...We got married!
2001...Started having severe pelvic pain. Suspected endo. Started BCP. It helped the pain, but caused many other problems!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
18 hours ago