Got the second beta results back today. We needed 100, we got 168!! We're ecstatic! It feels much more real now that I know that everything is moving along just as it should.
Interestingly, Hubby and I have done a bit of a role reversal in the last couple days. Those of you who have read my blog for awhile will know that I'm a bit of a worrier. Pregnancy, however, has brought out a slightly different side of me. I've decided that I want to enjoy this pregnancy day-by-day...take each day as it comes because every new day we're pregnant is better than the last. I don't want to be an obsessed and worrying all the time. What happens during this pregnancy is already according to plan. And, whatever happens, I am still a mommy. In this moment, I am a mommy! I want to celebrate it today, not wait 9 months to celebrate! It's a very new way of looking at things for me. That "one day at a time" thing is very tough for me!
My dear, sweet Hubby, on the other hand, has completed our total role reversal by taking it upon himself to run the many non-happy ending scenarios through his head to figure out what we would do and how he would support me if it were to happen. He has become the Type-A worrier! How did that happen? On the one hand, I find it a macho, protector sort of way. But, there are two issues with his line of thinking. First, it is keeping him from living in the moment and enjoying "Little Beaker" (a play on petri dishes and Muppets). Second, Hubby's depression already fills his brain with enough dark thoughts. It makes me sad that our happiest of occassions is giving him reason to fill it with more. I hope that his half of our role-reversal is short-lived.
Our first ultrasound is scheduled for 12/31...what a great way to ring in the New Year! It seems like four weeks is pretty early to see a heartbeat, but the nurse told me that we should be able to discern gestational sac(s) AND see a heartbeat. I hope she's right!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
20 hours ago
I am a member of iVillage's January 10 EC and I was lurking on the August EC because I have some friends who are hopefuls. I saw your story and just had to tell you how truly amazing I found it. I also wanted to reaasure you that by 12/31 you will actually be 6 weeks pregnant. The egg is 2 weeks old before you even ovulate, so by the time you are able to test you are actually about 4 weeks pregnant. I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
What a way to bring in the new year wow. I am happy for you ;)
Congrats on a second beta! And like Amy said, you'll actually be 6 weeks so seeing a heartbeat shouldn't be difficult at all. And good for you for not worrying and enjoying the pregnancy. :-D
Great results! This is so exciting and surprising! Oh happy day!
You're already past 4 weeks pregnant, I'm sure. By your ultrasound you'll be able to see a heartbeat. You're pretty much guaranteed to see one at 7 weeks pregnant.
Congrats lady!
How did I miss this!?!?! Congratulations MAMA! :) What fabulous news.... couldn't be happier for you!
Congratulations on a wonderful beta! I agree that seeing the baby on the 31st is a wonderful way to ring in the new year!
Wonderful, Wonderful!!! (You're lucky that you get your ultrasound at 6 weeks!! I'm a little jealous... my doc is making us wait until 7 weeks!! Oh well!) What a wonderful way to ring in the new year, like you said!!
So exciting, Lin....Good for you to set out to ENJOY each day....worrying is for the birds!!! Love your attitude....congratulations again!!!
Thanks for the congrats and reassurance, ladies! I had forgotten that you start counting from the first day of the last AF rather than ovulation. That'll put me nearing the end of week 6! Excellent!
That's a great 2nd beta! Congrats!!
Great 2nd beta! I am so happy you are able to relax and just enjoy being pregnant. Poor DH. Hopefully after the u/s he will calm down a bit.
Yay numbers going up and up!!!!
Wonderful Wonderful news!
Wonderful news. Grow baby grow!
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