I was a ridiculous bundle of nerves all day. I tried to sleep most of our four hour car ride home, but the butterflies that had invaded my tummy made that a near impossibility. By the time we made it to the clinic, my hands were shaking. I felt like I was either going to be sick or hyperventilate as I changed and assumed the position. (As it turned out, that "going to be sick" feeling has been with me the whole day, so I have a feeling it's a bit more related to "morning" sickness than nerves!)
Once the RE joined us in the u/s room, it was right down to business. In hardly no time at all, we saw my uterus. Shortly thereafter we saw the yolk sac. For a second, all the awful thoughts raced through my head again. But, a few clicks and a zoom or two later, and I heard the RE say that there was a healthy heartbeat there. She asked if we could see it, but it took me a few seconds to both comprehend what she was saying and find a gap in between thre stream of tears!
Beaker's little heartbeat was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. At 6wks1day it was 114 beats per minute. The RE says that's a great number for our timeline! We saw both the black and gray flicker and the blood flow "map" of red and blue colors. Just beautiful! We're in total awe of the little life growing inside me. It feels simultaneously all the more real and surreal!
Our next appointment with the RE is in two weeks (at 8wks) and then we'll get released to my OB. We had the option of going straight to the OB, but I had a feeling that we'd miss a chance to see Beaker if we did, so we opted to do the one last appointment with the RE before moving on.
I know that we're by no means out of the woods yet. That point was made all too painfully today when one of my online friends went in for her 8 week ultrasound after seeing a healthy heartbeat at 6 weeks only to find that the baby had stopped growing. High risk factors or not, it doesn't change the sadness or the sense of caution. And yet, I have such a sense of relief that we've past this first huge hurdle. Beaker has a strong, healthy heartbeat. One day at a time...but, for today, all is well and beautiful in our world!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
20 hours ago
Oh my goodness, how exciting for you both! I am so glad you got to see that little flicker!!! Congrats!
YAY! I'm so glad you saw a strong, beating HB! Praise God, what wonderful news! Congrats!
So glad to hear from you and Great News! Enjoy it and try not to stress too much in the next 2 weeks.
Congrats! It is a wonderful sight, isn't it?! Flick, flick, flick...
Lots of patience and sanity, this is what you need. I pray you have both.
Congrats! It's such a beautiful sight to see...
CONGRATULATIONS!! What a beautiful and miraculous sight to see!!!
I'm so sorry for your friend and her loss.
Very cool! I still can't believe that you're actually pregnant. Miracles do happen! Glad you didn't need all of those expensive precedures to get there.
I'm so happy you saw the heart. What a wonderful thing. I hope the 8 week appointment goes beautifully as well. :-D
Congratulations! It is such an amazing sight to see that little life inside you!
Awesome news! Congrats!!
Congrats! Happy New Year...starting 2010 with a bang!
Great news!!!!
What a great way to end 2009 and rin in 2010! So excited for you guys!
Congrats! I am so excited for you! I will be praying that your LO holds on tight
(btw, this is ruthieb85 from IV, I posted on the infertility boards a little)
Congratulations on your pregnancy and hearing a strong healthy heartbeat! What a perfect way to start off the new year!
Congratulations! What wonderful news!!
That is so wonderful! A mother's worries are endless but you have a healthy sticky bean and I'm so excited for you. Congrats!!!
I have tears in my eyes - I'm so, so happy for you!
This is such an exciting time for you. Try to only focus on the positive and don't let the worry get in your way. Happy New Year!
Isn't that heartbeat the best sight ever?? Congratulations!
Wooooo hooooooooooooo!!! So happy for you!
WONDERFUL! Congrats, Lin :)
Oh Lin!!! Congrats~!!!!!! (We just saw our little flicker Thursday after they had told us the day before that the U/S showed my uterus to be empty). Let's both hope those little hearts keep beating!!!!
That is so awesome!! I'm praying that Beaker sits tight for the next 7 or so months!
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