Just got back from my pre-op for tomorrow's hysteroscopy. It was uneventful, except that they took more blood. I'm beginning to realize this is just part of going to the RE...if they can draw your blood, they probably will! I think I'll be a pro at this by the time we're done! In fact, after I got back from my first RE appointment where they had taken 8 large vials, I was talking to my preggo boss about it and she said, "Oh, just wait until you get pregnant, you'll be a pin cushion." I laughed and assured her that I'd likely be a pin cushion long before that!
I know that my body doesn't like anesthesia very much, so I expect to be pretty groggy and weak for until at least sometime Saturday. Should be a relaxing, recuperating weekend and then back to the grind on Monday. Next up is the 11/25 SA followed by a yet to be scheduled follow-up, "finally get the plan" appointment, which should be sometime in early December.
Meanwhile, I'm contemplating changing REs. Yes, I'm ridiculous, but here's why. The only reason we picked this clinic was because of the clinical trial(s). We're passing up the current trial and the next trial isn't slated to start until second quarter, at the earliest. I think I've probably said before that I'm willing to cut this clinic a lot of slack because I know that, if we can do a trial, it will be so much cheaper. That said, if we know we're not doing the trial now, we can find a good RE closer to home who's IUIs are a bit cheaper.
More than that, though, I just don't know that I'm pleased with the "feel" of this clinic. The nurses are wonderful, for the most part, and Dr. K is very knowledgeable with an "ok to good" bedside manner...but, everyone else is sort of non-responsive. In the beginning, I had to reschedule my initial consult, so I called the new patient coordinator and left a message asking her to call me back. After waiting four days, I finally asked the front desk if they could reschedule it instead. Luckily, they did. At the initial consult, there were some things that left me less than pleased after our discussion with the billing specialist (unanswered questions after repeated attempts to get them answered). More recently, I realized that I didn't know what time my hysteroscopy was scheduled for, so I called the surgery coordinator and left her a message. Never heard back.
Those kinds of things are unacceptable to me. The nurses and doctor are great, but if the team isn't strong, the patient experience isn't either. So, I'm just wondering...if we change to a smaller clinic, closer to home until the next trial starts if it will be worth it. Or, more trouble than it's worth for just 6 months or so.
My brain is always contemplating something...
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
20 hours ago
I hope that everything goes well tomorrow and the anesthesia doesn't bother you. I would be annoyed by people not calling me back as well.
It's hard to say whether it'll be worth it or not. But I think you have completely valid reasons for wanting to do so. If they ask you why, I think you should be honest - they'll never get better if they don't know there's something wrong... At the same time you'd think returning a phone call would be frontdesk 101, no?
Anyway, best wishes with your surgery tomorrow. I'm sending warm fuzzies your way!
Go with your gut. I'd be changing RE's, if it were me - Your two reasons are enough. One reason, and I'd cut them some slack, but you have two very good reasons - location and customer service.
Good luck with your procedure tmr! It's something else to cross off the list (I like crossing things off lists - I feel like I accomplished something)
I would also be thinking about changing REs. I, too, have had docs I loved, but the staff was awful. I changed docs just so that I would not have to deal with the staff. Hated to do it, but if the staff is not any good, it tends to make the entire experience bad.
Good luck with your scope tomorrow!
First off, you are absolutely correct about the blood drawing. I have crappy veins and today, on my 4th draw in 8 days, the nurse blew out my best vein. It's now rendered useless. I asked if we could put a faucet in my arm for the next 6 days/draws. They laugh because they think I'm joking ... I'm SO not kidding!
About swapping RE's, I literally checked out 4 offices before I decided to stay w/ my original Dr. You have to feel comfortable, IMO. I ended up picking the RE that had the best success rates for the price. They weren't' the least expensive but goshdarnit, they get the job done.
Hope that helps you :)
I agree with everyone above; I think for the amount of money we are paying them, we are entitled to feel they are offering us the best service. If I were in your shoes and had other options, I think I would be looking elsewhere.
Good luck, and I hope the surgery goes well!
I hope the surgery goes well! Good luck! I'd say go with your gut also. If you have options closer for IUI's it might be worth a switcheroo.
Good luck tomorrow!! Thinking of you!
I hope everything went well today! Update us as soon as you can!
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