Wow! It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted! I wish I had some fabulous excuse, but I don't. Well, unless sleeping is a decent excuse! I'll do my best to get you all caught up...
I definitely have morning sickness that's more of "all day sickness," but it never actually results in throwing up. For that I'm grateful. And, yet, it also makes me feel like a gigantic wimp because I know that I could feel much worse than I actually do at this point! I guess I'd call my current feeling a mix of a cold, flu and constant seasickness. It's just really draining, though I'm grateful for it. The best answer would be lots of sleep, but I've been having some pretty significant low back pain (which I assume is related, though I also would've thought that it was too early for back pain?) that has made sleeping soundly a bit difficult. The result of this combination is that I generally walk around in a spacey fog!
My laptop AC adapter died early last week. When I plug it in now, it just emits a high pitched buzzing noise. I figure that's a pretty bad sign. And, since I have no intention of burning the house down, I haven't tried it further. We have a desktop at home, as well, but I have little interest in sitting at the desk in the office at the end of the day. Luckily, a new one should be on order today. Once my laptop is back to its fully functional status, my posting (and commenting) should be back to normal, too.
Food cravings and aversions...this one has been kind of bizarre. I haven't gotten sick, so it's weird to me that some things sound so revolting that I fear that would make me sick. And, some of those now revolting things are perfectly usual things I used to eat in abundance. My diet for the last week has pretty much consisted of bland white things. In fact, I've had at least one baked potato a day for probably the last seven days! Fruit sounds extremely good; anything overly sweet sounds awful. I haven't had any meat in a week, either. No appetite for it at all. Oh, and the most bizarre....I want absolutely nothing to do with chocolate! That's insanity!
On Friday night, I ordered linguini with marinara from G.arden and DH picked it up on his way home. When he got home, though, it turned out that they had given him someone else's order...chicken parmesan. It sounded and looked absolutely revolting! I called to ask if they could make my original order and we'd be in shortly to pick it up. They threw in a free dessert for our trouble. I said anything but chocolate and the server suggested lemon creme cake. I had a bite Friday night and it was delicious. However, it's still sitting in the fridge. Absolutely bizarre!
Our next (and hopefully last) appointment at the RE is on Wednesday. I also finally got my first regular OB appointment scheduled last week. It'll be on February 5.
I think that the all-over-the-place nature of this post is a brilliant example of the current "spaciness!" Please bear with me...coherent posts will hopefully resume soon!
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
20 hours ago
Funny, I was just thinking about you today! Sounds like everything is going well, good luck at your doctor's appointment.
I hope you will be able to enjoy better tasting foods soon! LOL, I've never been a chocolate lover, I know, I'm strange!
Glad to see you posting and doing well!
Glad to hear things are going well for you. If you're having trouble sleeping, I highly recommend the bopppy pregnancy pillow. I was waking up with low back pain and what felt like rusty hips and it really has helped. You'll be in your second tri before you know it! :)
Things seem to be going well. YAY. Glad you are not throwing up, although being nauseous all day is not fun either. I have been the opposite. I've been craving chocolate and sweets. I can't get enough of them. :-D
Right here with ya, Babe!
Glad to hear from you! I was getting worried, but sounds like no news is good news.
Glad to see you're doing well!
I had to laugh while I was reading your post. Isn't the first trimester a joy??:)
Eagerly awaiting your post about u/s did it go?? (I'm praying that it went well and you're just busy.)
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