So, I'm thinking that some of these might be foreign to some of you. Here's the webspeak primer for many of the TTC Acronyms!
TTC- Trying to Conceive
BFP- Big Fat Positive (refers to pregnancy test)
BFN- Big Fat Negative (refers to pregnancy test)
HPT- Home Pregnancy Test
AF- Aunt Flo, otherwise known as your period
BBT- Basal Body Temperature, used for charting during TTC (see
BCP- Birth Control Pills
CM/CF- Cervical Mucus or Cervical Fluid
FMU- First Morning Urine (best for HPTs)
HSG- Hysterosalpingogram, a test where saline is used to examine the faloptian tubes & uterus
Lap- laparoscopy
O- ovulation
OPK- Ovulation Predictor Kit (+OPK or -OPK, indicates O within 24-36hrs)
POAS- Pee on a stick (refers to HPT or OPK)
RPS- Real Pregnancy Symptoms
IPS- Imaginary Pregnancy Symptoms
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
18 hours ago