What better way to jump back into blogging than to dive in head first with NaBloPoMo? What's NaBloPoMo, you ask? Why National Blog Posting Month, of course! Essentially it's a challenge to write a post every day for 30 days during the month of November.
So, join us...can you blog 30 times in 30 days? If you're up for the challenge, you can sign up here at NaBloPoMo central or with Suzy at Not a Fertile Myrtle.
It's Halloween and here in Texas apparently we trick-or-treat on Halloween, even when Halloween falls on a Sunday. Not really sure what to expect by way of trick-or-treaters. Last year, Halloween was on a Sunday and we hardly had any stop by, so I'm thinking the numbers on a Sunday will be even lower (read nonexistent). It really strikes me as odd, though, since we live in a very family oriented area/neighborhood.
We're planning to get H dressed up in either his puppy or little devil costume (will have to post a pic of the little devil...too funny) and hang out on the patio and wait for the kiddos. Gracie and Audrey (the fursisters) bark like crazy when a doorbell rings, so it's just easier to avoid the doorbell and dispense candy from the patio! I hope that we have at least a few trick-or-treaters...it is LMH's first Halloween after all!
I also just remembered that I was planning on making a Halloween themed dinner. Would have been nice if I'd remembered that before the hubby left for Wal-Mart and was even nice enough to ask me if I needed anything. Well, yes, as a matter of fact, but since he just pulled into the driveway, I think LMH and I will be headed out to the store a little later. I'm thinking mummy dogs are on the menu!
Happy Halloween Everyone!
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
20 hours ago